Get up to 100% Interest Yearly by Saving your Money on Royal Lion
Royal Lion Saving: Earn Up to 100% Interest from your Deposit Amount!
Royal Lion Saving? What is that? Royal Lion Saving is a new way to invest your money in the safest possible way! You can save your money in the banks with 5% interest yearly or you can save your money in our platform and get 100% interest yearly. That is a 95% increase compared to the traditional way of saving money, what are you still waiting for?
You can earn 100% interest yearly by just saving a minimum of ₹10,000 on your Royal Lion account you can register here. And just by saving that money, you will be eligible for this promotion. No need to play it out, and in case you want to do withdrawal, all you need is to only play with the wagering minimum of 1x.
Promotion Name: Earn Up to 100% on your RL Saving
Open for: Royal Lion Members
Meet the Requirement: Minimum Deposit of 10,000. Saving interest will be returned to you hourly.
Want to Earn Money While Sleeping?
Earn Up to 100% on All your Royal Lion Saving with No Hassle!
Simply by Transferring and Keeping your Money from your RL Deposit Account to Our NEW FEATURE; RL Save & Gain – Saving Account.
You’ll be Eligible to Earn Up to 100% Saving Interest. Refreshing, isn’t it? Your Very Best Investment Option, Saving Interest will be Accumulate Hourly.
Come Join Us!
**Withdrawal Requirement: 1x roll over for ALL RL Save & Gain – Saving Interest
Annual Interest |
Minimum Saving |
Roll Over Requirement |
Interest Return |
100% | 10,000 | 1 | Per Hour |
How to Calculate
Example: Your RL Total Balances are ₹200,000, Transferred ₹100,000 from Deposit to Saving Account at 12:30 pm, interest income will generate every hour. By 14:00, First Saving Interest will be Return back to You.
(Calculation Format: ₹100,000*100%÷365 days÷24 hours=11.42)
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